MN Metall - since 1974 the specialist for innovative sheet metal work.
Salzwedel Station | Design: Gerkan Mark and Partner | Material: wellTEC
Officebuilding in Hamburg | designed with planTEC Form RNg-15/39-78
IMAX Kino Pyramide | vertical construction WellTEC claddingsheets
MN Structural profiles | lenghts up to 7000 mm | thicknesses up to 16 mm
3-D-Laserbearbeitung for transportationframes for Airbus sections
Coilcenter |coil weights up to 25 tons | 500 to 2000mm thickness
Product list

Into the smallest corners.

In addition to the classic application on solid columns, colTEC also offers many other possibilities for the design of walls and corners e.g. with half and quarter shells.

  • Solid columns with 2 half shells
  • 270° -Shell
  • 180° -Shell
  • 90° -Shell
  • Shells with variable angles up to 270 °

Depending on the surroundings, the joint can be deliberately emphasised using a shadow joint or concealed with an unobtrusive hair joint.

Shadow joint

Hair joint