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We are proud of these.

Reference 116: Hollenderkvartalet, Oslo (NO)

Hollenderkvartalet, Oslo (NO)

© Photo Alunor AS

Hollenderkvartalet, Oslo (NO) Hollenderkvartalet, Oslo (NO)
Hollenderkvartalet, Oslo (NO) Hollenderkvartalet, Oslo (NO)


Bane NOR Eiendom AS

Executed in:
wellTEC® SQ 20/20R

Sustainability and the environment are probably two of the most important buzzwords that we are also taking into the new decade in architecture. It was a requirement of the city of Oslo that the project should appear as a pioneer project in terms of environmentally and climate-friendly architecture.

Passive house standards and climate-friendly material choices with reduced use of concrete and steel, as well as the use of recyclable and renewable materials, are among the more obvious measures taken.

The project consists of two buildings that end and close the block. A park-like construction of the inner courtyard forms a common terrace for all buildings in the block.

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